The election is over, so let the childish foot-stomping begin. Yes, folks, after just ONE election cycle, the radical wing of the Libertarian Party, who, BTW, have had control of the party since it's inception, are already calling for the heads of the Libertarian Reform Caucus(LRC).
As some of you may or may not know, the LRC is a group of Libertarians who are tired of the LP being a floundering, "cute little philisophical debate club", which is all the party has been since 1971. At the National Convention this year, the LRC majority took control of the LP platform, ripped up all of the insane planks, and ran on a more moderate platform to "widen the tent" of the LP to attract more people to the party(which it did...the LRC is the only reason I joined).
But after one election cycle (keep in mind the radical "purists" have had 35 frickin YEARS), the new platform "failed" to deliver miraculous numbers, so the radicals are declaring the LRC an utter failure. Just check out this asinine article. I especially love the use of the "true libertarian", aka the "True Scotsman" fallacy used by the author.
Nevermind that the LP had a record turnout this year and Barr got the second highest vote total in the history of the LP. Nevermind that scores of voters were casting "revenge votes" against the George Dubya Knucklehead regime of the last eight years. And oh, certainly sweep under the rug that the LRC has 35 years of radical perception baggage to shake off. Yes, people think libertarians are lunatic isolationists who want to destroy the federal government, let the poor and elderly starve, and want to sell heroin to children.
It will take more than one election cycle, folks. If the LRC hasn't made progress in 10-15 years, then maybe you can stomp your feet and cry foul. Notice I didn't even ask for the 35 years that the radicals have had to screw up the party.
The Problem With Truth
5 years ago
If the LRC makes some progress I might even be willing to come to a meeting. As it stands I'd much rather be spending time with my family.
PS. Have we met? I ran the gaming for last year's Lone Star Shindig.
Karl - Yep, we've met at some Firefly shindigs.
As far as the LRC goes, the LP has to give it more than one election cycle. Unfortunately, like I said in my post, the radicals, who have had over a quarter century only to fail miserably, are ALREADY calling the LRC a failure! After one election cycle?
Only an incremental, sensible platform will advance libertarianism, it just has to be given a reasonable chance to succeed.
"No True Libertarian" would've written this post.
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