So I'm persusing CNN.com and notice their latest poll: "Should Madonna be allowed to adopt another Elbonian child?". Now, personally, I think the Madonnas and Brangelinas of the entertainment industry adopt children because it's some kind of weird Hollywood trend...the poor kids are more for show as fashion accessories than anything. I'm willing to bet all of the chidlins will likely end up being raised by an army of nannies once the fad dies out and/or the Mabrangelinas decide to move on to The Next Big Ego Stroking Cause.
All that to say I personally don't like the Elbonian adoption fad, however (back to the CNN poll), I checked "Yes" on the poll. I may not LIKE what Madonna is doing, but she has every RIGHT to adopt as many Elbonians as she pleases. What stunned me was the results of the poll which, at the time, were neck and neck! Roughly 40 something percent of people taking the poll think Madonna should not be allowed to adopt more Elbonian human accessories! ALLOWED?!? Allowed by whom? Why, Big Government, of course. Do these folks really want the Obamessiah & co. dictating whether or not they can adopt? Don't answer that...
"Political" Science

We are truly a nation of sheep.